Are you forced to communicate with a toxic ex?

Do text messages or emails from them send you into a

Do you
lose sleep at night dreading your next interaction?

Introducing: PeacePost
Co-Parenting Made Easy

Struggling with co-parenting communication? PeacePost helps you send neutral, child-focused messages, reducing conflict and promoting collaboration.

Are you struggling to communicate with your co-parent after a separation or divorce? We understand how challenging and emotionally draining it can be. That's why we created PeacePost – to help you send neutral, child-focused messages that reduce conflict and promote collaboration.

Our platform is designed to make co-parenting communication easier, so you can focus on what matters most – your children's well-being. With PeacePost, you'll get:

  • Simple, practical advice for clear and respectful communication

  • Real-time guidance to keep your messages focused on your children

  • Help avoiding misunderstandings and reducing conflict

  • A more stable, positive environment for your children

How PeacePost Works:

  1. Copy or type your message to your co-parent in our easy-to-use platform

  2. Get instant suggestions for making your message clear and neutral

  3. Edit your message or use our suggestions as-is

  4. Send your message with confidence, knowing you have our support

Why Choose PeacePost:

  • Communicate better and reduce conflict with your co-parent

  • Keep your messages focused on your children's needs

  • Save time and energy crafting responses

  • Avoid costly legal fees – one year of PeacePost costs less than one hour with a lawyer

Carlos, father of 2

“The lawyers' bills were piling up, fueled by miscommunication and anger. PeacePost became our mediator, helping us express ourselves clearly and respectfully.”

Julie, mother of 2

“I have a horrible habit of overthinking and over explaining when I respond to my ex or have to send a request. I try to stop an argument before it happens and end up giving him ammo to use and ultimately end up extending an unnecessary conversation. With PeacePost I’m able to say what needs to be said and keep it short and simple. It’s the regulation I need and so easy to use. I’m so grateful for this app and how much anxiety it’s removed from my life. ”

Try PeacePost Now

Ready to change how you communicate? Join our community and have early access to a tool that transforms your interactions, one conversation at a time.